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November 3, 2014

Currently November

As in typical fashion.....I am (once again) late to Farley's Currently party.  Better late than never, right?!?!

I am currently listening to  Monday Night Football......We are addicted to sports in our house.  Sports are always on......no joke!  Is anyone else watching football.....just curious if anyone heard Chris Botti perform the Star Spangled Banner?  It was AMAZING!!!

I am loving that tomorrow is our third wedding anniversary!  Happy anniversary to my amazing husband!!

I am thinking I can't wait for Rudy to start her therapy dog classes.  In case you have no idea what I am talking about.....you can read all about it here!  Basically.....I applied for a grant to get my pupper trained to be a therapy dog....and I GOT THE GRANT!!  Woot Woot!!  She starts training December 

I am wanting to figure out Tsu??  Do you guys Tsu??  I just recently joined because so many people were talking about!  I still don't really get it.....hopefully I can figure it out soon!

I am needing a good reading diagnostic!!  Currently our district uses the DRA....but teachers are so not a fan.  Their biggest complaint is that it takes TOO MUCH TIME!!  Does anyone have any suggestions?

I am currently reading What Great Teachers Do Differently by Todd Whitaker. 

My building is doing this as a book study for PD.  It's a book that will make you think and reflect on your current teaching practice......plus its a quick read!!  I highly recommend it!  I plan to blog about the chapters......but I haven't been the best at blogging lately......but it's a good plan!!

Happy November everyone!!


  1. Your wedding pictures are beautiful! Happy Anniversary! :) -Christina

  2. Happy Anniversary! Your pictures are great.
    My district currently uses DIBELS Next as a Reading test. I then do DRA only with students that are not on grade level. This takes way less time than administering the DRA to all students.

    I think I must jump on this TSU bandwagon.

    Elementary Times

    1. Thanks for the compliment Emily!! I will check into DIBELS Next......it's not that we don't value the information that is given from the DRA....it's just we lose so much instructional time administering the test! I wish there were a quick diagnostic out there....but diagnostics are never really quick, are they? Anyway....thanks for the advice! And yes---join TSU!! :)

  3. Your wedding pictures are beautiful. Congrats on your anniversary. I wish I could train my cats to be therapy animals. I know how much joy they bring me :)

    Brynn Allison
    Brynn Allison's Blog

    1. Thanks Brynn!! I wonder if there are cat therapists? That would be pretty cool!!
