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    Mind Sparks: March 2023
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    March 31, 2023

    5 Ways to Practice Vocabulary Effectively

    After a word is explicitly taught, students need MULTIPLE exposures of the word in order to "own" it.  These encounters should be intentional, spread out and reviewed frequently.  

    The best way to provide ownership of a word is by learning words in relation to other words. 

    Our brain loves patterns, so it likes to organize our mental dictionary by building connections among words that are learned.  Our brain creates networks of words that have similar features like the ones listed below:

    • phonological
    • semantic
    • morphological 
    • orthographic 
    • visual
    • emotional

    So, how do you help the brain create word networks? Listed below are five ways to effectively practice vocabulary that facilitates word connections.  

    1. Multiple Meanings

    Does the vocabulary word you are teaching have multiple meanings? If so--point that out!  Did you know out of the 5,000 or so most common words in English, many of them have multiple meanings.  Therefore, lots of opportunities will present themselves to dialogue about the multiple meanings. 

    Example: hit, jam, check, frame, etc. 

    A simple word map (pictured below) helps students see the multiple meanings a word can have.

    2. Classify Words into Categories

    As I mentioned before, our brains crave organization and patterning.  As we learn words, our brains are creating pathways to connect new words with known words. Every word in your mental dictionary is connected to other words, ideas or images. 

    Help students truly understand a vocabulary term by facilitating connections.  Some great classification activities include the following:
    • Open sorts--give students a group of words and have them group the words how they see fit.  
    • Identification of categories--show students a group of words that go together and have them determine a category label.

    3. Analyze Semantic Features

    Semantic feature analysis is a strategy to compare characteristics of words.  Many words have some in-common properties and identifying these properties helps students create those ever important word networks!  When we help students connect one word to an already known word, we deepen their understanding of the term.

    Semantic feature analysis can be done with a simple chart as pictured below:

    Check out Semantic Feature Analysis from Reading Rockets.  This article takes a deeper dive into analyzing characteristics of words, and you can even download a free semantic feature analysis grid!!

    4. Use Antonyms

    Antonyms are words of opposite meanings.  Identifying antonyms of vocabulary terms deepens a student's understanding of the word.  This is one more way to teach words in relation to other words. 

    5. Use Synonyms

    Synonyms are words with the same meanings.  Identifying synonyms for vocabulary terms helps students create relationships in meaning among the words.  There is often a shade of meaning that distinguishes one synonym from another---making one word a better choice than another.  Again--the point is that you are facilitating the creation of "word networks" for  students.  AND....our brains LOVE word networks! 

    If you are looking for more strategies on vocabulary instruction, check out Reading 101: A Guide to Teaching Reading and Writing from Reading Rockets. This article has tons of great tips and instructional strategies!

    March 18, 2023

    🌷 Books to Celebrate Spring

     Where ya' at warmer weather?!?

    Now, chilly temperatures are my jam.....but after a few months of sub-zero temps and lots of indoor recess time...I am ready for spring! Check out the following six books, which will make perfect read alouds to honor the longer, warmer and recess outside days ahead!

    It is important to note that a few of these books may be out of print, yet are widely available at public libraries or on websites like, Thriftbooks.  AND...who doesn't love a public library or an inexpensive book?    

    Spring by Ron Hirschi (PreK-2)

    Great photographs and text introduce students to the natural world of spring. Hirschi, who has a degree in wildlife ecology and first worked as a biologist, has written many books for children on the topic of animals, natural habitats, discovering Earth and wildlife seasons. 

    Spring by Tanya Thayer (Prek-2)

    Colorful photographs and easy to understand text provide readers with a basic overview of the spring season.  Readers will be introduced to the idea o how animals, plants and people adapt to seasons.

    Spring: An Alphabet Acrostic by Steven Schnur (Prek-3)

    This is a companion book to "Autumn: An Alphabet Acrostic," where students will delight in the pleasures of spring in twenty-six short poems.  Schur uses rich vocabulary that will bring the spring season to life--especially with Leslie' Evans's linoleum-cut illustrations.  When the poems are read vertically, each poem reveals a playful acrostic--making this book a double treat for kids!    

    Spring According to Humphrey by Betty Birney (Prek-2)

    This is the twelfth book in the award winning school hamster series. Spring has sprung and everyone at Longfellow School is happy, including Ms. Brisbane's class!  Family Fun night is right around the corner...which adds to the excitement for many students, except Humphrey.  Humphrey wonders (and worries) about his own family.  This story will take you on a journey with Humphrey as he realizes spring comes with lots of new things that grow and change, just like his family.   

    Wake Up, It's Spring! by Lisa Campbell Ernst (Prek-2)

    Ernst uses playful words and pictures that match the cheeriness of the spring season.  Word of the arrival of spring begins with the Earth telling a little worm.  The happy gossip of spring's arrival travels fast, and before long everyone is celebrating the arrival of spring! 

    When Spring Comes by Kevin Henkes (Prek-2)

    Everyone loves a book by the award-winning, bestselling husband and wife team of Kevin Henkes and Laura Dronzek! Henkes uses striking imagery, repetition and alliteration to get readers to really feel, smell and taste spring.  Dronzek's gorgeous paintings show the transformation of the quiet, cold winter to the joyful newborn spring. 

    For more books to celebrate spring check out this list from We are Teachers  or PBS Kids!

    March 10, 2023

    Spring Break Bucket List (for Teachers!!)

    How ready are you for spring break?  Teaching is such a taxing and exhausting (yet rewarding) occupation.  When teachers FINALLY arrive at a long break....They. Are. Ready! 

    All too often spring break seems to quickly slip through our fingers, and we arrive at the end of our week wonder how it arrived so quickly.  Breaks are elusive little things, aren't they? 

    In order to take full advantage of your time off, I urge you to make a Spring Break Bucket List for yourself!  Bucket lists are a great ways to ensure that relaxation, fun and meaningful moments happen.

     By the end of break I want to look back on the the two weeks and have something to show for it---and I want that for you too!  

    Click the image below to download this free resource!  Included in the download are multiple bucket list bingo boards.  There are two pre-filled bucket boards with lots of fun options!  You don't even have to think of your own fun--just print and start enjoying life.  Ha!  

    There are also two boards that are mostly filled, but with a few blank spaces.  The mostly filled option is great if you have a few of your own ideas you want to insert! Last, there is  a completely blank board for those of you who have a brain swimming with fun ideas!

    I truly hope you find this Spring Break Bucket List for teachers helpful and that you have an opportunity in these next few weeks to take time for yourself.  Spring break is the perfect time to slow down, take a deep breath and breathe fresh perspective into your life. 

     It is SO IMPORTANT that you fill your cup, so that you are ready to tackle the rest of the school year.  Remember that self care doesn't mean me first, it just means me too!