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May 16, 2023

Reflection Power

When the school year is over, So. Are. Teachers.  

We are tired. Exhausted. Drained. Physically, emotionally and mentally spent. 

We are so excited to turn off that alarm. Stay in comfy clothes.  Eat a meal that lasts longer than 10 minutes without being interrupted.  Use the bathroom whenever we want. 


The end of the year is the perfect time for reflection! 

I know it is tempting to not spend one more moment thinking about school, however there is SO MUCH power in looking backwards and reflecting on your school year.

It is proven that we learn from processing through our own experiences.  When we stop and spend time thinking about the academic year, we grow and develop professionally.  Insights, celebrations, frustrations and goals come with reflection.

Thus, I urge to take a few minutes to reflect on the following questions!  

  • How did your school year go? 
  • Why was it so?
  • How did you grow?
  • How will it show?

Perhaps, use the following graphic organizer to jot down the answers to the questions above. 

Even better yet.... after you have completed the graphic organizer, share you thoughts with a colleague, administrator or instructional coach!  If we hold conversations with others our reflections are amplified.

If you are interested in using this graphic organizer with your staff or sharing with your colleagues, click the image below to download it for FREE!  

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