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Showing posts with label Reading Anchor Standards. Show all posts
Showing posts with label Reading Anchor Standards. Show all posts

November 20, 2013

Website Wednesday--Newsela

Happy Hump Day Y'all!!

Today I had a SUPER day---not just because we are over the midweek hump---but because I was able to attend (for free!!) a reading conference.  Not only was it for free (how often do teachers get to go to free conferences---ummm....hello...never) but it was really, really good!!

It was kind of a last minute deal--but I last week I received an email with a "complimentary ticket" for a Really Great Reading presentation on helping adolescent readers decode.  This type of conference was right. up. my. alley!  If you have time you should check out the website, because they have some awesome free resources for teachers.

I promise to blog more about some of the things I learned today--but it will have to be later, so all of my thinking can soak in.

I do want to share another great website.

Its called:  Newsela

Newsela is a wonderful website to supplement your current ELA classroom.  This is a FREE website where students have the ability to read current events that are written at a variety of reading levels.

There is truly something for every student---as students get to pick from seven different categories of non fiction text (War & Peace, Science, Kids, Money, Arts, Law, and Health).  Additionally, there are comprehension quizzes students can take after they are finished reading a particular text.  Not all articles, have quiz...but the vast majority do.

And if I haven't already convinced you to check this site out---there is a place where teachers can track their students progress and see the scores students are getting on their quizzes.  This makes grading a snap!!

Another helpful tool for teachers is this little symbol:

Newsela, puts that in the corner of an article to let teachers know what Reading Anchor Standard their student will be working on while reading the article. Thank you Newsela!

Check it out---it is worth your time!!


P.S. I must admit--I didn't find this site.  My district's Director of Learning did---and she passed it on to us. I love how she passes on great websites to us!! :)