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Showing posts with label task cards; games; Math. Show all posts
Showing posts with label task cards; games; Math. Show all posts

January 3, 2016

January Pick 3--Check out some great ideas!

Ohhhh.....school starts tomorrow!!!  Waaaaa!

How does time go soooooooo fast?!?

Luckily, flipping through the blog posts for January's Pick 3 linky is forcing my brain to start thinking! My  mind has been on "coast mode" for the last two weeks......so this linky is just the thing I needed.

My first pick isn't really school or teaching related....but the hubs and I tried this over Christmas break and it is FANTASTIC!

 Click on image to view pin
Click on image to view pin. 
You throw these ingredients into a pot on your stove and simmer.......it makes your WHOLE HOUSE smell like Christmas morning! :)  Heaven!

The second pick is great for the first day back from break!

Click on image to view pin.
I am a fan of changing seating arrangements (especially something fresh when you come back from break)....and I love this idea because it gets kids talking, moving around!  Easy to do...and fun for kids!

My third pick is something that is great to start with your family at the beginning of the year, but can easily be done with your class!

Click image to view pin.
Simply take a jar (you can find lots of cheap ones at the dollar store!), add a cute label and fill it with memories you have throughout the year.

I have never done this before--but have always wanted too!  Many of the blogs I have read say that their families fill the jar throughout the year and then read all of the memories on New Year's Eve!  How fun!!

You could easily do this with your class.....even if the year is halfway over....but it would be fun to remember the good times at the end of the school year!

If you are searching for more great ideas.....follow my Pinterest feed

Visit Katie's profile on Pinterest.

Oh and don't forget to hop over to the January Pick 3 linky to discover more great ideas!

February 23, 2015

TPT Sale!!

It seems like it has been forever since TPT has thrown a sale.

But....I'm not complaining....because there is one coming up in two days.  That's right....TWO DAYS! 


My entire store (along with many other awesome sellers) will be 20% off!

AND....if you use the code "heroes" at checkout, you will get an additional 8% off!  Yay!

Pictured below are some of my recent TPT products.....check them out if you like and happy shopping on February 25th!