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Showing posts with label text features. Show all posts
Showing posts with label text features. Show all posts

January 21, 2015

What's New Wednesday

Hi Friends!

It's Wednesday.....the week is more than half over!  Yay!

Today I am linking up with The Hickman Five for What's New Wednesday.

Sara hosts a lovely little linky each week where some fabulous TPTers link up a FREE and paid product. So check out the linky...and nab up some free products!!

The freebie I am featuring is my Text Feature Scavenger Hunt.  It's a super engaging activity for students to identify text features.....which is a great way to preview text!

The paid product I am featuring are task cards to practice converting mixed numbers to improper fractions.  My husband really needed his kiddos to get some extra practice at this skill---so he helped me whip up these cards!  The kids loved it, and got lots of practice!

Make sure you hop on over and visit The Hickman Five to pick up more freebies!

Have a great night everyone!
