Nothing can beat the feeling of helping someone in need!! Personally, lending a helping hand is always a great reminder to me on just how fortunate I am. As a teacher, it is not only my job to teach students the content and curriculum---but also how to be a caring citizen.
With that being said, allow me to introduce you to the website! Free rice serves double duty! First students gain valuable practice on skills in math, English, humanities, chemistry, foreign language, geography, science and SAT prep----AND---secondly, by practicing those skills they are helping to provide nourishment to starving people all over the world!
For every 10 question a student answers correctly, FreeRice donates 10 grains of rice through the World Hunger Programme to help combat world hunger.
The site allows you to create a group---which makes it easy to track how many grains of rice your students (maybe even your whole school!!) has donated. There are even lesson plans for each subject area, and certificates you can print out and give your students.
Next time your students have downtime---let them get on to FreeRice and help people all over the world!