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    Mind Sparks: Spring Break Bucket List (Teacher Edition)
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    March 14, 2022

    Spring Break Bucket List (Teacher Edition)

     How ready are you for spring break?  Teaching is such a taxing and exhausting (yet rewarding) occupation.  When teachers FINALLY arrive at a long break....They. Are. Ready! 

    All too often spring break seems to quickly slip through our fingers, and we arrive at the end of our week wonder how it arrived so quickly.  Breaks are elusive little things, aren't they? 

    In order to take full advantage of your time off, I urge you to make a Spring Break Bucket List for yourself!  Bucket lists are a great ways to ensure that relaxation, fun and meaningful moments happen.

     By the end of break I want to look back on the the two weeks and have something to show for it---and I want that for you too!  

    Click the image below to download this free resource!  Included in the download are multiple bucket list bingo boards.  There are two pre-filled bucket boards with lots of fun options!  You don't even have to think of your own fun--just print and start enjoying life.  Ha!  

    There are also two boards that are mostly filled, but with a few blank spaces.  The mostly filled option is great if you have a few of your own ideas you want to insert! Last, there is  a completely blank board for those of you who have a brain swimming with fun ideas!

    I truly hope you find this Spring Break Bucket List for teachers helpful and that you have an opportunity in these next few weeks to take time for yourself.  Spring break is the perfect time to slow down, take a deep breath and breathe fresh perspective into your life. 

     It is SO IMPORTANT that you fill your cup, so that you are ready to tackle the rest of the school year.  Remember that self care doesn't mean me first, it just means me too! 

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