Community involvement is a HUGE focus in our school district, as I am sure it is in many of your districts. If you are searching for some great ideas....I have got one for you!
Last week, the elementary school where I work hosted
Pastries for Parents. As the interventionist, I was the lucky one (thankfully I had some amazing helpers) who planned the event. That may sound like a complaint---but seriously---I love planning events, but there is no way I could have pulled it off without my volunteers.
Anyway....the turnout was AMAZING! We had so many parents show up that parents were circling the school to find parking spaces. It. Was. Awesome!
Want to know the format?
Well.....our school opened its doors at 7:15am. Parents, students, brothers, sisters, aunts, uncles and grandparents filtered through the donuts, juice and coffee line and then headed to classrooms where they read or played games with their child.
Teachers were asked to leave their classrooms unlocked and to set out books and games students and their families could use. Many teachers set these things out the night before and instructed the students on what they could do with their parents. All in all this event was little prep for teachers, yet they did (and they were so gracious and willing) to give up their Friday morning so parents and students could be in their room. If opening up teachers classrooms are not an option for your school---you could have books and games set up in the gym, library or cafeteria.
Students and their families were able to stay(if they wanted) in their classroom from 7:15 to 8:15, and then at 8:15 our principal got on the intercom and notified parents that the event was over. All students then reported to the gym for morning announcements, and our regular school day began.
Want to know what you need to pull off the event?
First, you need to secure volunteers. I needed help with passing out donuts, filling juice cups and serving coffee. I believe I had about 6 people helping me serve.
Second, you need to notify teachers.
Third, you need to pre-order all of your supplies. We ordered our 30 dozen donuts, plates, napkins, frozen juice and coffee a couple weeks in advance. We wanted to give the bakery plenty of notice--as 30 dozen donuts PROBABLY requires extra help.
Fourth, you want to set up your donut and drink station up the night in advance. My janitor did this for me---love her! I also mixed the frozen juice in large jugs and set the jugs in the refrigerator. Making the juice in advance saved me some time in the morning......
Fifth, you will have an early morning pick up of donuts. I picked mine up at 6:30am.... yikes...right? I wanted to give myself plenty of time to set them up, and get the juice out before parents and students arrived.
Check out my early morning tweet....